Optimi Olei Emporium
OUR EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. MONTE OLIVOS. It is manufactured in Puente Genil having the only title given for BEST EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL IN THE WORLD. OPTIMI OLEI EMPORIUM Puente- Genil for its production of fine oils, winning for nearly fifty consecutive years, with the highest honors in the Regional Exhibition held in Cordoba, has received the highest tribute ever awarded by the National Association of olive in Spain, Behold the solemn moment the President of the National association of Oliveros in Spain D. Pedro Solis on behalf of it grants the mayor of Puente Genil, and in front of the other managers of the Association and numerous producers of the Andalusian region, the title of OPTIMI OLEI EMPORIUM (Best oil market) that from now on will appear on the coat of that industrious town, who, with his constant work for the good name of the Spanish olive oil has not only conquered the national market but abroad, always citing among the producing provinces, Puente Genil.